
Friday, October 25, 2013

High Five For Friday #H54F

We've made it to another Friday! Does anyone have big plans for the final weekend of October 2013?

Before you look at my #H54F, let me warn you of one thing ... it looks like there's lots of baby stuff, but it's really not that bad. Hang with me and you'll understand ...
Link up at
1) I'm not sure if my nieces are lovin' on one another, or if Violet is trying to prevent Emme from learning to crawl. Either way, my nieces are adorable and this counts for my now-weekly Gratuitous Niece/Nephew Photo of the Week. (<- Yeah, we're making that a PBT thing.)

2) You might think this picture has something to do with my nephew on the left, Brady, but this is actually a Happy Birthday shoutout to his uncle and my brother, Jake, who's birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday, Pup! (Yes, they're Dufnering at Brady's first birthday party back in April. I'll let you Google it if you have no idea what it means.)

3) Remember how devastated I was that the royal baby was a boy instead of a girl? Well, if I squint just a little bit, Prince George kinda sorta looks like a princess in his Christening gown. And, seriously ... I used to think Brad and Jen were the best looking couple of all time, but Will and Kate blow even them out of the water. Not only did George hit a genetic lottery, he's also a royal. Life just isnt' fair.

4) I spent a few days in West Virginia this week for work, and this was the view from my hotel window. Sure, there's an Instagram filter that's enhanced the image, but you get the drift. I'll see if I can snap any picturesque photos from Manhattan, Kan., tonight. 

5) You. Guys. Remember those recipes I told you about yesterday? This is the final product. (I'm not great at food pictures, sorry.) I cooked dinner last night for Mr. Cush and I'm not going to lie ... this was maybe the best meal I've ever whipped up in the kitchen. (<- Even though there really aren't that many to choose between.) I'll never be able to eat plain broccoli again ... roasted is where it's at!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! See 'ya again Monday morning!!!


  1. That view is amazing! I've never had roasted broccoli, but it sounds delish. I'll have to give it a try.

    I'm stopping by from the H54F link-up, and I'm now following you via Bloglovin'!

    -Haylee @ Jets and a Brunette

  2. Oops! I'm not sure why the link to my blog didn't work, but here's the url:
