But, oh, summer … even though it never really feels like fall or winter here in Austin, I feel like we still experience the seasons in other ways. Most notably, we females experience the transition from summer to fall as we segue from shorts to pants, from bright colors to jewel-toned shades, from sandals and open-toe wedges to boots and heels.
One of the most subtle clues that summer is still in the air for a few more weeks, though, is a quick look at anyone's hands or feet. Summer is definitely the most versatile season to try flamboyant colors - you can choose any shade on the color wheel and not have someone look at your nails like you might have three heads. (And let's face it - there's no color that doesn't look better when you're tan.)
My go-to shade lately has been Essie's Hip Anema. It's the perfect orange-tinted red that is so popular right now, and on my fair skin, it doesn't pull too orangey - because that would be a tragedy. SIDENOTE - L'oreal's Hella Pink is officially my second-favorite shade of Summer 2013.
But, enough about my favorite color(s). I have a dear friend and coworker that is my personal stylist for all things nail-related. Earlier this week, another coworker requested a blog on which colors are most suitable for summer, and I thought it would be best for Mary to chime in based on her expertise in the area (and evidently this is a week for collaborative blogs). For this post, I asked Mary to send me a pic of her favorite summer shades …
L to R: Essie Splash of Grenadine, Orly Cotton Candy, OPI You're Such a Kabuki Queen
and Essie Turquoise & Caicos.
How. pretty. are. these. shades? Seriously, if you ever need color consultation, ask me for Mary's contact info because the girl has it down to a science. IMHO, the Essie Splash of Grenadine is fine to wear throughout the year. The Orly Cotton Candy could probably be worn on any skin tone and is enhanced by even a subtle tan, and the OPI is definitely a must-own for anyone. Essie's Turquoise & Caicos is the 'it-shade' for any vacation ... even if you're on a staycation and want to pretend you're oceanside, all you'd need to do is rock this on your toes and sip on any beverage bestowed with a teeny, tiny umbrella.
What's been your favorite shade of the summer?!?!

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