
Friday, August 16, 2013

High Five For Friday #H54F

Happy Friday, everyone!

It's been a busy week, so let's cut straight to the chase and breakdown this week's #H54F.
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1) This is the current lock screen on my iPhone and it has made me smile every time I've looked at it this week. The fabulous Aubrey Kinch of has a Friday Freebie each week, and I snagged this last month and finally put it on my phone. It's perfect for me during this time of the year.

2) How good was the Breaking Bad premiere Sunday night? If you don't watch the show, I need you to immediately sign up for Netflix and commit 50 hours to catching up. Do it. Now. Or we can't be friends.

3) Does anything taste better than Nutella when you're craving a 3 p.m. snack? I didn't think so. These were readily available in Europe when I visited a few years ago, and Target has finally added them to their shelves here in the U.S. I picked up a couple, threw them in a drawer at work and now have the just-what-I-need chocolate pick me up.

4) My baby girl turns two Saturday! Riley becomes more amazing every single day, and it's hard to believe that she joined the Cushman family nearly a year and a half ago. If children grow up faster than puppies, then I'm not sure I'd ever be able to cope with a rapidly growing baby.

5) Remember how I included the L'Oreal Magic Nude Liquid Powdwer foundation in a recent #H54F? Well, I also picked up the accompanying Magic Lumi primer recently and am loving it just as much. It definitely makes the Liquid Powder foundation last longer, but it works with other foundations, too. I can't get over how awesome this feels when I put it on over my moisturizer. I'd recommend this over most high-end primers I've purchased the last few years.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I'll be back next week (every Monday-Friday at 6 a.m. Central) with more.


1 comment:

  1. Dogs grow up seven times faster than babies... It's science.
