This is how ...
Your eyes are not deceiving you. Yes, Riley has an automatic door at Casa de Cushman. She's THAT spoiled.
So while I was upstairs, she managed to cruise the kitchen counter not once, but TWICE, and take her new-found treats outside to enjoy.
This is what happens when you marry a lovable nerd. He finds ways to improve life for not just you, but also your four-legged best friend.
Mr. Cush installed this several months ago, and at first I thought it was a bust. Our 'fraidy-cat canine thought there was some evil witchcraft going on, and she wouldn't approach the door for about three days without us manually opening it for her. After Mr. Cush worked with her and repeatedly bribed her with several treats, she got the hang of the door.
With the help of a toggle on her collar, all she has to do is get within a few inches of the sensor at the base of the door frame and the patio door opens for her on either side.
Now if we could only find a way to keep the cats from always making a break from the safe confines of home, life would be ideal ...

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