Back in our awkward adolescence years, Mommabear used to accuse her four cubs of eating deodorant. Every single time we'd tell her we were out, she'd literally cry out that we must be eating our deodorant sticks because it was impossible to go through them as quickly as we did.
Now, I wouldn't know what deodeorant tasted like if someone gave me a blind taste test and said "this is deodorant" before I tasted it, but the many bars I've gone through in my lifetime seem to make me an expert on the subject matter.
Personally, I think there are three things women are constantly seeking to find the "perfect" versions of ... mascara, jeans and deodorant. One might work for awhile and we think it's the best ever, but suddenly it isn't the same anymore and we go back to the drawing board. That's how I am with deodorant ... Constantly seeking one that outperforms the rest (and don't get me started on the importance of this while living in Texas during the eight summer months).
Anyway, I was contacted by recently to test out the new Dove Advanced Care with Nutriummoisture Nourished Beauty Anti-Perspirant Deodorant and I gave it a try yesterday after receiving it Monday in the mail.
First of all, I was floored to read the information card (bottom left) that states 36 percent of what you remove while shaving is skin. Personally, I shave my underarms everyday because I read a long time ago that this helps decrease stinky bacteria. Little did I know I've been doing so much damage to this area of my body.
Secondly, I immediately loved the packaging. Admit it - at least 70 percent of our purchases are determined based on packaging, right? This is unlike all of the other multi-colored plastic deodorant cases I've ever bought - very modern and sleek.
Third, I tested the product on the inside of my forearm and you can see that it applies clear. This was also my first chance at experiencing the scent (normally a powder fresh kind of gal right here), and I was pleasantly surprised by it (would tell you the name of the scent, but it's not available on the packaging).
So yesterday morning after my shower and shave, I applied my new deodorant with more excitement than ever before. I was truly expecting to finally find the Holy Grail of deodorants. Here's a rundown of my experience ...
10 a.m. - Initial application felt velvety smooth. Boy, I really want to like this item.
1 p.m. - After carrying a 50-pound bag of paper around for work, my heartbeat increased a little and I figured it was a good time for my first 'sniff' check. Passed.
5 p.m. - Started to think I was maybe getting a little ripe seven hours into my day, but quickly discovered that the deodorant was still working and it was instead the stench of work-provided spring rolls rather than me wafting through the air. Passed.
8 p.m. - Crunch time for work and things are heating up. Ten hours post application and we're hanging in there, my new deodorant and I.
10:15 p.m. - Back home and getting ready to turn in for the night. One final sniff test is performed and things are still pretty fresh ... not to mention, no messy white balls of deodorant have formed to transfer off onto my clothes.
All in all, I'm impressed. One day isn't enough to completely change my life, but we're going to stick with this for a little while and hope things stay on this path ... today was a solid start in that direction.
More info on Dove Advanced Care with Nutriummoisture Nourished Beauty Anti-Perspirant Deodorant available here.
Purchase Dove Advanced Care with Nutriummoisture Nourished Beauty Anti-Perspirant Deodorant here.
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