It's fun to start thinking about the holiday and making plans. This year, Mr. Cush and I are heading to my parents' home in southern Illinois, and we're getting excited to see both of our families for a few days and share Christmas with our nieces and nephew (it will be so much fun to have young children around!).
As excited as I am, though, there's one thing that makes Christmas a little difficult ... emails from my favorite stores promoting holiday collections and specials.
I've mentioned my beloved Kendra Scott jewelry on this blog before, but let me show you the email they sent yesterday promoting their winter collection that goes on sale today ...
I die. So gorgeous, and it's taking every fiber of my self-control (which isn't much to begin with) to not drive to south Congress first thing and purchase that ring. Or anything else in the collection (sneak peak here on Pinterest).
I'm doing my very best to be a good girl and save my pennies for gifts for others, but it only gets harder and harder to do this as my inbox becomes more flooded by the day with discounts and various offers from my favorite stores.
How do you practice self-control in the months leading up to Christmas? I could certainly use any advice or helpful tips anyone has to offer me!

That # 69 kinda makes me want to shoot myself in the foot.