Here's a look back at my seven-day work week (and counting) ...
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2) I've been using Groupon quite a bit lately, and I had my best experience to date this week when I redeemed one for an oil change. Not only did it cost a mere $14.99, but the business didn't try to sell me a single thing! I usually have to turn down offers of air cabin filters, windshield wipers or transmission flushes. It was wonderful getting in-and-out with just the oil change for once.
3) An ad for the new L'eggs' Convert-a-Tight popped up on my Facebook wall and I'm intrigued. More than intrigued, though, is the anger I'm feeling towards myself for not thinking of this first. This could've been my ticket to billions!!! Seriously ... it's a genius idea.
4) Told ya so. Picked up the CoverGirl Lip Perfection in Euphoria yesterday based on this picture of Katy Perry. It's quite a bit darker on my lips than Katy's, so I'm going to give it a try over a lip balm to see if that sheers it out a bit. Regardless, it's a lovely fall shade.
5) As annoying as all of the rain in Austin has been this week, we've sorely needed it. I've lost track of how long the drought has been going on now, but this rain has answered many prayers and has increased all of the lake levels. It's hard to complain about something we've needed for so long in this city.
What have been five highlights of your week? Let me know in the comments below, or share them on your Facebook wall with your friends!
Have a great weekend!!!

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