Girls always want something off their guy’s plate. Some of us share, some don’t. I never took Joey’s stance on this matter (you remember him from "FRIENDS," right?), but I do share a slight commonality with Joey involving withholding food from girls. Mrs. Cush found out recently that for about five years, I have been ‘food plundering.'
food plun·der (füd pl n d r)
1. To purposefully serve yourself a better-looking portion of dinner than your significant other because you bought the groceries, cooked the food, and will likely end up doing the dishes.
I’m not sure how she only recently caught wind of these misdeeds, but I was quite pleased with myself for being able to keep it a secret for this long. I guess I made it little too obvious this time. As I placed two bowls of food on the table, her reaction was, “hey, that one has way more meat!." I smiled and went through the checklist:
1) Did you buy the grocieries? No? Ok, lets move on.
2) Did you cook the food? No? On to #3.
3) Are you going to do the dishes? Didn’t think so. Eat your food.
The dinner that I got caught with was beef and broccoli. It was too easy to pick out all of the good pieces of beef and get greedy. I have been known to move most of the pepperoni to my side of the pizza before baking it, and taking the bigger chunks out of stew, etc. I always get the bigger piece of steak or chicken, but that is different. Maybe now that she knows my little secret, she will offer to do the dishes more often. Conversely, I may need to watch out when she cooks to make sure that I don’t get food plundered.
Have any of you ever done this when cooking? I doubt that I am alone here.

ReplyDeleteFunny, Mr. Cush! I can't say as I remember doing any food plundering. Loved the blog!