
Friday, October 4, 2013

High Five For Friday #H54F

Here we go ... October has arrived, and, more importantly ... 81 days until Christmas! (Which means its also 74 days until my birthday. You should plan accordingly.)

Since October is already in full swing and Christmas is around the corner, let's not waste any precious seconds with more witty banter. Time to get straight to this week's #H54F!
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1) "Breaking Bad" ended Sunday evening, and it couldn't have been any better. For a few fleeting seconds Sunday afternoon, I became a little panic-y and was afraid of "Newhart" deja vu ... but there was no way Vince Gilligan was going to do that to us and wrap everything up as Walt's chemo-induced coma. Instead, it was perfect. I cried when Jesse drove off into his new-found freedom. It was the second greatest moment ever filmed in an automobile ... only Jerry Maguire singing "Free Falling" at the top of his lungs topped that moment.

2) Just as "Breaking Bad" ended, "Scandal" began its third season. I'm slightly obsessed with this show, and it's always fun for me to discuss it with my younger coworkers that are much more obsessed with it than me. It must be a generation gap.

3) Hi, Dan! My brother-in-law texted me during work Wednesday evening, and even though I humiliate myself on a daily basis, I drew the line at waving to him on national TV. So, he gets a special shoutout on today's blog. (Cassie - make sure he knows this!!!)

4) How delicious is this color? For $1.38 in the Target clearance bin, I'll put it just a notch below pumpkin pie. It's Out of Bounds by Sinful Colors, and I'm pretty excited to slather it on my nails.

5) Britney is so back. She put this picture on her Instagram this week, and I kind of died a little. She's my ultimate girl crush. 

Join in on my #H54F and share your top five moments of the week in the comments below. And if you don't want to do that, then try what my friend and coworker Katie did a few weeks ago - post your top-fives on your Facebook walls to share with your family and friends.

See y'all Monday morning!!! Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Darn, if I knew a wave was out of the question I'd have asked you to flip me the bird! -Dan
