SIDE NOTE: It's a sure sign I've been much too busy when the last relevant event I can recall is the VMA's. I'm also pretty sure I'm only aware of those because of Miley Cyrus and her twerking antics, but I digress.
Anyway, I took 15 minutes to myself to catch up on the celebrity world and here's what I've missed …
1) Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom are on the fritz. Mr. Cush has seen rumblings about this for a few weeks now thanks to the tabloids at the grocery shore checkouts, but I mostly dismissed him because he never knows more than I do about the Kardashians. Unfortunately, though, he's been right. Lamar allegedly has a major drug problem and he was busted for a DUI last weekend. This makes me pretty sad … Khloe and Lamar seem like a really great couple, and I wanted at least ONE Kardashian marriage to last 72 months. Hopefully they can work it out, but it seems like a pretty tense situation.
2) Speaking of couples I want to stay together … Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas are going through a "trial separation." This completely surprises me because they seemed to have a rock-solid relationship. He stood by her through her bipolar treatments, and she stood by him through his cancer treatments. What could be worse than bipolar and cancer diagnoses? And this is surprising because it wasn't even on the gossip radar like the Khloe/Lamar troubles. Again ... hopefully they can work it out.
3) Charlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson have been cast as the leads in Fifty Shades of Grey. Charlie stars in 'Sons of Anarchy' (which I've never seen), and Dakota is the lovechild of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith. Honestly, I couldn't' care less. I read the book, and was mostly annoyed throughout its entirety at the poor grammar. The only way I would've cared about the casting is if Chris Pine were to play Christian Grey, but no one sought out my opinion before signing the contracts.
4) Michelle Obama got highlights. Unfortunately, she's about a year too late to the ombre party. Say what you want, but the woman has impeccable style. I'm inclined to call her bangs her only style mistake, but we've all done the same. Live and learn, right?
5) Tim Tebow was cut from the New England Patriots. This makes me sad, too, but if Diana Nyad can swim from Cuba to Florida at age 64, then he still has plenty of time to transform himself into an NFL quarterback … or halfback. He should probably start considering that option.
And finally …
6) Ben Affleck will play the next Batman. Don't get me wrong - high school Ashley looooooooooooooooved Ben. (Especially as A.J. Stamper in Armageddon … he was the best A.J. Stamper in the history of the universe.) But this makes Val Kilmer seem like an amazing Batman and we all know Val Kilmer sucked as the Dark Knight. Thankfully, though, it's not a new Batman series. Ben is playing Batman in DC Comic's upcoming Justice League movie, which is basically like Marvel's Avengers. If you need a full breakdown of the differences, leave a comment for Mr. Cush below … he's pretty much an expert on the subject matter.
Enough about all of this. Time for me to head to and figure out the latest on Syria …

Ben Affleck's Batman is a new Batman series as far as live action. The Superman/Batman dynamic has been in comics and cartoons for years though.