I'm doing it ... I'm finally really doing it. I spend a lot of my free time reading lifestyle blogs and makeup blogs and any blog I can find that's "girlie" and somewhat relatable to my life. I've always thought, "I would love to do that. I'd love to put my wit into writing and talk about things that excite me and make me giddy." And, well, I'm finally doing it. (Anyone else having flashbacks of Dumb & Dumber? Good. Me, too.)
My husband doesn't want to hear my thoughts on these things, and I don't blame him. He plays along and feigns enthusiasm when I talk about new makeup or home decor or clothes or shoes or accessories because he's a great husband, but I know it bores him more than the Kardashians. It's like me when he talks about computers ... I just can't get into it. (Also, I feel similarly about tennis. You'll never read my thoughts on tennis after this because I just can't get into it.)
So, who's my audience? I have no idea. And I'm not sure if I really even care about that right now ... No offense to anyone reading. But I'd like to find my "voice" and maybe provide an escape to any friends or family members out there looking for one, too.
I have no immediate goals for this blog, either. I would like to tell you I plan on blogging three or four times a week, but I can't promise that with my job. I don't have a typical 8-5 job, and travel and whatnot will really impact how often I post. But let's plan on a few updates each week for now.
To sum up ... please stay tuned! I'm excited about this. I have a few ideas for the first few posts that are churning in my head, and hopefully they come to fruition!

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